That’s right college has finally come back to town and it’s time to get myself into a routine schedule and start off my mornings productive. With a hectic schedule and numerous classes piled with work and sorority life, and even my blog I have to make my mornings early and productive so I get the most out of my days! So I thought what better than to share with you all my morning routine and what it consists of.
I start my morning off by first really waking my self up. I spend time stretching out my muscles and doing a few quick workouts like crunches and squats. This is a great way to get my blood flowing and myself truly awake!
I then move to the basics of getting ready. I start with a clean face and clean teeth so I’m fresh faced and ready to go.
Next I start with my hair, I typically curl it with a 1 1/4 in. curling wand for loose curls that are casual and cute!
I then proceed to my makeup where I typically do the same thing every day. Starting with BB cream, concealer, powder, blush, eyeliner, and mascara to top it off!
I then of course pick out my outfit or put on what I chose the night before and then throw all my stuff in my backpack and head downstairs!
When I have early classes I like to grab my breakfast and take it on the go and eat it as I walk to class or in class. I also make sure to pack a water bottle so I’m staying hydrated throughout my classes!
My normal morning has 2 classes and then I can walk back to my room and relax for a while or do homework until it’s work later at 3pm!
School rolling around really made me realize the importance of organization, consistency, and a routine so I decided last week to implement this structured morning routine and so far I’ve found myself being more productive throughout my whole day and just in a better mood overall.
What’s your favorite part of your morning routine? Let me know in the comments!
Lauren | Simple Southern Belle
I so wish I had the energy to do a workout in the morning! I’ve been meaning to try it but each morning I can’t make myself do it. Any tips?
♥, Brooke
Start out doing a small workout! I think a few crunches or squats in the morning is better than no workout at all! or if you shower in the morning do a few squats while you wash your hair or calve raises!