The time is here, it’s the summer before you head off to college and you couldn’t be more excited! Now is the time to sit down and prepare yourself for the change to come. Moving to college, a new town, away from friends and family can be a big change, but lucky for you I have several tips for helping you prepare for college the summer before.
1. Go to Orientation
Orientation is required at all colleges and you may or may not have already signed up for it. Make sure you’re on top of this and you’ve picked a date. I recently wrote a post all about how to survive freshman orientation that will help you make the best of your time there! Make sure you don’t miss it!
2. Get Familiar With Your School’s Websites
From the school’s main website to the online program used for class registration, and even the website used by teachers for assignments. All of them may be a tad overwhelming, but taking the time to explore them and get used to them will make all the difference come Fall.
3. Start Your College Shopping List
If you’re living in a dorm you’ll probably be picking up several new things for your room and this can be a tad daunting. I will be posting a college packing list soon so make sure to look out for that! I suggest making a master list with everything you need and picking up items a little bit at a time so you’re not overwhelmed or forgetting things.
4. Begin Packing
Do not put off packing till the last minute! Begin gathering things in an empty room or closet that you know you need to take with you to college. Be selective with the things you’re bringing because you’ll probably be sharing a room and it’ll be small.
5. Spend Time With Your Friends
Spending time with your friends is extremely important. Take every opportunity you get to hang out with them before going to college. You’ll remember just how much you miss them when you’re finally off at college so spend as much time with them as you can.
6. Contact Your New Roomie!
Yay, you’ve been assigned a roommate(s) or you’ve found the perfect roommate(s). Contact them and ask to grab lunch near the school one day, now is the perfect time to talk about room decorations, rules, hopes, and plans, etc. Really spend time getting to know them and it’ll be ten thousand times less awkward when the first day roles around. Don’t be afraid to text them, e-mail, Facebook, invite them to hang out, etc.
7. Take a Tour
Your school offers several times for tours, open houses, dorm viewings, etc. Take advantage of these and go several times. I toured my college 3 times and went to an open house. It’ll help you become familiar with the campus as well as getting excited about Fall. Take your parents, friends, grandparents, siblings, etc.
8. Visit the Area
Take the time when visiting the school to scope out the area around. Find the closest grocery store, pharmacy, gas stations, banks, etc. This will make your life easier when you’ve reached school.
9. Purchase Your Books
Teachers will begin assigning books over summer so you’ll be able to start purchasing them. I suggest using to purchase all of your books. You will save loads of money and it’s easy! School bookstores are notorious for scamming students into paying ridiculous prices.
10. Purchase Your New Technology Gadgets
Now is the time to invest in a new computer, tablet, phone, etc for while you’re at school. Look for sales, tax free weekends and deals for the best price. Don’t forget to use your new student ID for that nice student discount.
11. Talk to Your Parents About Important Matters
You need to talk about whether or not your car will go with you, how often you’ll be coming home, the way in which you’ll be getting home, will they be supplying you with a stipend each week for food and gas, do you need to get a job? Talk about your major, what classes you’re taking, future career options, clubs you’re interested in. The main idea is to get them involved! They’re probably just as excited as you are and want to be involved in what’s going on. Don’t be afraid to ask for their help or suggestions, that’s what they are there for.
12. Take Placements Test
Placement tests are just an easy way for you to place out of certain classes such as math, foreign language, english and so on. Take these even if they are optional. It could save you time and money! But don’t forget to study for these to brush up on your skills.
13. Apply for Student Loans/Financial Aid
Make sure that you’re taking the leap on applying for loans or financial aid so that you make sure that your funds are available come school time. Talk to your parents for this because chances are they will be required to sign things too.
14. Purchase Basic School Supplies
You’ll need a scientific calculator, pens, pencils, planner, notebooks, etc. Plan to pick these up either at school or before so you’re prepared for classes.
15. Relax
Take your time this summer and soak it all up. Spend time with those close to you, even your pets! Spend time doing things you want and relaxing.
I hope that these tips make preparing for college the summer before easier for you and make your feel more prepared and excited for the year to come. Good luck this fall!
If you have more college related questions feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
Lauren | Simple Southern Belle