College can be a rough time for anyone and if you don’t have any family members that went college before you, you might not know what to expect once you get there. And if you’re anything like me you probably are reading this blog post because you want to be prepared and you’re excited for college! So let’s jump into 10 things no one told me about college.
1. People dress up for tailgates (at least in the south): Now I live in the south and have my whole life and one thing I failed to realize was that everyone dresses up, I’m talking rompers and dresses, for football games! Lord knows why we do this, but it’s something I’ve grown to love!
2. EVERYONE drinks coffee, well except me: Coffee seems to be the only thing that really keeps a college student sane. Coming from someone who doesn’t like coffee there are times I really wish I did so that I could manage to stay up late and write a paper or finish a project!
3. Pulling all-nighters are a thing and they happen at least 2-3 times a semester: Chances are even if you are a planner and don’t procrastinate you’ll still pull an all nighter at some point in your college career. Just the sheer fact that you are taking so many classes with each there long list of tasks and assignments sometimes things all pile up at once and your only decision is to stay up all night and do it! If this happens at least take the time to watch the sunrise, it’s gorgeous.
4. Not everyone parties/drinks: Yeah there are those stereotypical frat parties and house parties that people go to, but not everyone does! Freshman year it’s fun to go to just for the simple reason of meeting people, but beyond freshman year a lot of people crack down and don’t party as much.
5. You need to maintain a good GPA even your freshman year: Don’t fool yourself into thinking this one semester of bad grades won’t hurt you because it can have an impact on your overall GPA.
6. You actually have to go to classes: Even if your teacher doesn’t take attendance you still need to go. You’ll miss out on valuable information or even a pop quiz.
7. You’ll have endless opportunities to make friends: From sporting events, parties, organizations, free campus events, classes, work and more there are numerous ways in which you can meet people and make friends, so don’t worry!
8. It’s normal to sit alone during lunch, it’s not like high school: No one will care that you’re sitting alone at lunch because you’re in between classes and no one else could meet up with you. Don’t worry, it’s normal.
9. Freshmen boys suck: For the most part, they are immature and not looking for relationships. They want to get out and have some fun and meet some people. Don’t get me wrong there are some who are interested in relationships and nice guys just beware of the bad boys.
10. You’ll have more acquaintances than friends: Yes you’ll make plenty of friends, but not all of them will stay that way. You’ll find your close knit group of people and then have plenty of other acquaintances. It’s also normal so don’t worry.
I hope these 10 things no one told me about college can help you all become prepared for your time at college. Just remember to keep an open mind about anything and everything and ignore the stereotypes and you’ll find that by the time you’ve graduated you’ve had the best four years of your life.
P.S If you aren’t already make sure you head on over to YouTube and subscribe to my main channel where I put out new videos every week!
Lauren | Simple Southern Belle