Choosing the right sorority for you can be a little daunting and tough with so many good options out there! Each sorority offers so many different things to it’s members and finding the one that best matches with your personality can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. Lucky for you I’ve broken it down into 4 simple questions to ask your self to help you choose the right sorority.
1. Do their values align with yours? Most sororities are committed to different things such as high grades, leadership experience, confidence, and more. You’ll want to take a look at their expectations for their members and see if you could hold your self to that standard. Don’t forget to take into consideration a sororities religious beliefs since most are centered around a certain faith.
2. Do you like the image that they give off? Could you see your self fitting into that image? If yes then that’s another thing to check off your list. It’s important to find a sorority with the image you want to perceive because once you join the sad and unfortunate truth is that people will group you in with that image and expect you to be like that which could be bad or good.
3. Do you like their reputation? Reputation is important when it comes to picking the sorority you want. Certain sororities are known for certain things on campus and it’s up to you to decide which you’d like to be a part of. People will begin to associate you with that reputation once you are a part of that sorority, so choose wisely.
4. Do you see your self fitting in/ do you feel comfortable here? I knew I wanted Kappa Delta each night because I felt comfortable talking to any girl I was matched with and they always made me feel welcome. You can just tell when you feel comfy in a certain place and I certainly did here. I could talk to the girls about anything and some I felt like were already my friends. You’ll know the feeling by preference night, I promise.
I hope these 4 simple questions will make your decision on choosing the right sorority an easy one. It can be tough when you’re faced with so many options and you’ve heard and seen so many different things. One last piece of advice is listen to your heart and go with what feels right and don’t force a sorority on yourself just because of who and what they are. Go where you feel at home!
Not sure how to prepare for sorority rush week? Check out my new Youtube video all about it!
Have more sorority related questions? E-mail me at [email protected]
Lauren | Simple Southern Belle