Can you believe it?! It’s finally bid day! You’ve survived the long nights of sorority recruitment and today is your bid day! You’re probably too nervous and excited to think about anything else, trust me I was like that too! First let me say congratulations and secondly let me say that today is the day your life will change. Many people don’t understand the positive impact that sororities have on a college woman’s life, but that’s simply because they’ve never been a part of it. You’re finally going to be a part of an organization bigger than yourself! You’ll grow stronger, smarter, more confident, and positive. You’ll gain leadership skills, community experience, and time management. Welcome to the wonderful life that is sorority life!
First let me say that bid day is different at each school, so pay attention to rules, locations, times, attire, etc. for you bid day!
Most schools require all new members to meet in a central location where you will either A. Open up your bid and run to your sorority right there or B. Open your bid and run to your new sorority house. When you get to this central location meet up with the girls you made friends with during recruitment, talk and laugh to ease your nerves and blow off some time. Take groups pictures, pictures with your Rho Gamma or SRC or whatever you call them to have for memories!
You’ll probably be told to hold your card behind your back so there is no peaking and then they will blow a whistle and everyone rushes to open them at the same time. Take your time to actually read your card so that you can make sure you get the right house!
At this point you’ll probably be too excited for words and off and running towards you new home!!! YAY! Be extremely careful though! DO NOT TRIP! I promise they will love you just as much if you’re the second, third, or last girl there! I suggest finding girls you talked to during recruitment first, they’ll probably remember you and you will already have a connection. Grab your bid day goodies and head to your bid day festivities!
As for clothing I always suggest a few things so that you’ll look great in any bid day attire given to you. Denim shorts, can be any style you’d like. I personally love the new faded, ripped, and frayed ones! Wear a camisole or tank top for easy changing right on the spot. Chances are there will be boys around and that’s weird to change in front of them. Strapless bra so that you’re not worried about straps hanging out! And shoes that you can easily run in, doesn’t have to tennis shoes, just something easy for you to run to your new home in!
Lastly I suggest doing your hair and makeup because trust me you will be taking loads of pictures and you’ll look back on these forever!
Once you’ve reached your new home and you’re off to celebrate don’t forget to really soak it up. Talk to girls you’ve never spoken to, play games to interact with other people, take so many pictures you don’t know what to do with them and just put yourself out there! Bid day is meant to help you get to know all your new sisters so don’t be afraid to talk to them and ask them questions or just eat with them! They are all excited you’re there and remember they chose you!
Once again congratulations on your new home! I’m proud of you and so happy for you. Your life is about to change for the better and it all begins with today, bid day!
Good luck!
Have more sorority related questions, e-mail me at [email protected]
Lauren | Simple Southern Belle